Research at the SNB

Research plays a vital role in the fulfilment of the SNB’s mandates. As a rule, the research on central bank-related topics is carried out in the relevant departments.


SNB Research Report

The SNB Research Report provides an overview of the SNB’s research activities during the previous year. It is published mid-year.

Academic conferences

SNB Research Conference

The aim of the SNB Research Conference is to strengthen central banking-related research and promote knowledge-sharing.

Other academic conferences

Find a list of other academic conferences here.

K. Georgieva speaking at the High-Level Conference on the International Monetary System in Zurich

Research TV

Lectures can be viewed live during the event. Afterwards, the recordings are available in the archives.

Thomas Jordan at the Karl Brunner Lecture in Zurich

Lecture series

Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture Series

The SNB has established a lecture series in memory of the internationally renowned Swiss economist Karl Brunner.

Welcome to the Study Center Gerzensee

The Study Center is an educational institute, a conference site and a venue for academic dialogue.

The SNB’s public library

Find books and academic journals on monetary policy, economics, cash and banking.

The SNB’s data portal

On the data portal, you can find an extensive range of data on monetary policy and the economy.

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