Services for the Confederation

View of the Federal Palace dome in Berne

Based on art. 5 para. 4 and art. 11 of the National Bank Act (NBA), the SNB shall provide banking services to the Swiss Confederation. The SNB provides these banking services to the Confederation in return for adequate remuneration. However, they are offered free of charge if they facilitate the implementation of monetary policy. Services subject to remuneration comprise payment transactions, liquidity management and the custody of securities. Details of the services to be provided and the remuneration are laid down in an agreement concluded between the Confederation and the SNB.

Read more <html> <head></head> <body> <p class="large">Based on art. 5 para. 4 and art. 11 of the National Bank Act (NBA), the SNB shall provide banking services to the Swiss Confederation. The SNB provides these banking services to the Confederation in return for adequate remuneration. However, they are offered free of charge if they facilitate the implementation of monetary policy. Services subject to remuneration comprise payment transactions, liquidity management and the custody of securities. Details of the services to be provided and the remuneration are laid down in an agreement concluded between the Confederation and the SNB.</p> </body> </html>
Fresco depicting an allegory of economics and politics at the Berne head office

Federal bond issues

The Confederation uses bonds to raise funds on the market and to finance its long-term capital requirements.

View of the Federal Palace dome beyond the rooftops of the Berne head office.

Money market debt register claims

Money market debt register claims (MMDRCs) are a key instrument for the Confederation to raise funds in the short term.

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The SNB’s supervisory and executive bodies

Function, composition, members: Find out about the Bank Council and the Governing Board here.

News and publications

Explore interesting research papers, statistics and current SNB press releases.

An information centre for everyone

At the SNB Forum in Zurich, visitors can find valuable information about the Swiss National Bank.

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